Saturday, April 18, 2015

Milestone Post: Reflective Journey in Pictures

Today is the first step for this blog into a next round of hundreds, with 200 posts written and published. Seriously though this blog is my own personal best record of my Craft and how it has evolved over the years. I am horrible at magickal diary keeping—truly I am. This is not to say I don’t have records. There are binders and notebooks staked high full of rituals written, experiments, recipes, and the like.

As such, this blog is a chronicle of a journey. I can at any point open an old post and whisk myself away to a time before. There are even a few posts I would likely argue with myself about. New revelations and experiences certainly change our world view. So I thank you all for coming on this ride with me. Sure there are some things I’ve held back or that you miss but the essence of the journey has stayed the same.

This morning I picked an arbitrary number, but one that seemed high in my blog’s data analysis, and ranked my top previous posts based on the most viewed. These can be found below.

I also included all four guest posts and one interview since all of these individuals were gracious enough to humor me. These posts come first followed by my own

Enjoy this recap as a journey in pictures. Also, blog love is always appreciated!


(click the images)

-------------------------------------------------*All ME: Top 15*-------------------------------------------------

(click the images)

That’s it, that’s all I got. It has been a great journey. Now onward!

Boidh Se!


“Lost in a thicket bare-foot upon a thorned path.”

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