Saturday, November 4, 2017

On the First Day in The Age of Seed and Fruit

The rolling over of an Age doesn’t happen every day; that is unless you measure an Age by lengths of one day and then I guess they do in that case. However, in the calendar I learned growing up in the Church of Rhiannon (CoR), an Age is 3888 years long. Go read my blog here for further context. As you can see, I’m going to talk a bit about this. For good reason I feel. Today is the first day of the first month in the new lunar calendar; thus today is the first day of an Age.

I wasn’t going to write this blog until this morning when I was thinking about it. I recall when I was maybe 12-14 sitting around the campfire before Circle (what CoR called our rituals) and listening to discussion about the coming Age of Seed and Fruit. At the time I didn’t know how to calculate the moons and so didn’t think about the lore attached to them in regards to the turning over of an Age.

Well, here we are. With the arrival of Samhain, the year ended officially and we entered into a period of time that is not on the calendar. It is a time that belongs to the thinning of the veil, of mystery; it is a time that is not a time. This has ended too, with the arrival of the first Full Moon after Samhain the new lunar year begins with the month of Beth.

Beth is the tree of birch, called the Lady in Silver, and is all about new beginnings and initiations. This is under the horns of Taurus, which amongst many other things is associated with our Lord of the Mound in the Craft. Also, it is the Beaver Moon. This is the bit that made me think to write today. You see, the beaver is all about the creation and making of things—they build.
On this 1st day in the month of Beth (birch), the Beaver Moon, in the sign of Taurus, the Age of Seed and Fruit, I implore you to build. Build and craft whatever it is you want your life to be right now as we all step off into the new age. It doesn’t come again for 3888 days.

Boidh Se,


“Lost in a thicket, bare foot upon a thorn path.”

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