Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse Prophecy: Coming of the Age of Seed and Fruit

Today, is Monday, the Moon’s Day, on the New Moon with a Solar Eclipse with Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Pluto in Retrograde, so it’s as good as a time as any to bring this up. I had thought about doing so back in November, for reasons that will be discussed shortly, but decided not to.  

In the Church of Rhiannon (CoR), the Contemporary Pagan group I was raised in and around, there is a prophecy. A Turning of the Ages prophecy. Long story short, from various sources back in the 1980s, one of the founding members believed they had stumbled upon a Druid Prophecy of old and it became entangled in the lore and story of the Wheel of the Year that CoR enacted and followed. Regardless of the ancient authenticity of such, I grew up with the backdrop that the world was reaching a peak that would force change upon us. The discourse was usually about the environment.

This prophecy takes place in the year 3888 MT. Which I know needs some explaining… Using a modified version1 of the Beth-Luis-Fearn (BLF) calendar put forth by Colin and Liz Murray in The Celtic Tree Oracle: A System of Divination, the date of 3888 was calculated and affixed to 2017 CE. Each “age” is 3888 years long and the Age of Iron and Silver kicked off 3888 years ago based upon the supposed date of the Second Battle of Moytura, hence the “MT” as the year designator. I don’t know how Colin and Liz Murray came up with any of that and I haven’t been able to dig it up either. But I digress.

The point of all this is simple, the prophecy applies to this year, in fact it gets even more specific. 3888 MT started this past November and the event of the prophecy takes place between this past Beltane and the upcoming Samhain.

With all of that said, I’m not saying that the prophecy is to come about. I’ve just been thinking of the coming of the Age of Seed and Fruit a lot lately. You know, because childhood and it being the freaking year 3888 MT, the last year of the Age of Iron and Silver.

Anyway, here is the prophecy, take a read:

"In the time of change, Abred will be grievous sore, the vessels shall be exposed.
Only then will the change be known.
At last the time of disgrace will be turned aside.
After this time has passed shall be seed and fruit anew.
After Cetsamhain, before Samhain, shall ye know."

I don’t know if the Age is rolling over today or not, but enjoy the ride anyway.

Boidh Se,


“Lost in a thicket, bare-foot upon a thorn-path.”

1 CoR developed and perpetuated a version of the BLF calendar that aligned with the Full Moon as opposed to the method originally outlined by Colin and Liz Murray. 

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