Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sow Seeds This Autumn Equinox

This Autumn Equinox, I planted seeds. I know that according to our lore, this is a time of harvest and not planting. However, there is a place that is not a place and a time that is not a time. Yes, this saying applies to our Holy Days too, and not just to the Temple between the Worlds. 

You see, there are some crops that the summer heat causes to wither and die. This is why I planted seeds. Literally. I planted a fall and winter garden. This also got me to thinking about this Sabbat and the planting of seeds. My first thought was that placing seeds in the ground was akin to sowing them in the Isle of the Underworld. 

Holy shit! My brain exploded from there. This is the Holy Day when our Lord is said to descend into the Underworld. He is also the Lord of the Harvest and of the Greenwood. His harvest is a seed; our harvest is a seed. Just as some crops prefer the cold, so too some harvests that we sow must enter the darkness of the Underworld, and the cold, in order to bear fruit. 

Today isn’t just about harvesting, certainly it is and you should enjoy such, but it is also about planting. It is about planting the seeds that thrive and require the dark of the year in order to grow. So harvest but also sow your seeds this day. 

Boidh Se, 


 “Lost in a thicket, bare-foot upon a thorn path.”

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