In the grand scheme of
things, your Tradition doesn’t mean much.
When it comes to the Craft of the Wica*, it is all about the coven. There
are a number of reasons why this is so. All
of the various reasons condense down to two simple things that when viewed
together make this quite obvious.
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"Enjoy this famous picture of Alexander Sanders and coven-mates" |
The second thing is that our
covens within shared practices, a.k.a Traditions, vary too much for any real
and hard fast “which Tradition is right for me” assertions to be made. For example, in many covens the directions
are associated with elements. This is by
far not a secret and if I said that the elements are associated as follows, I dare
bet that most of those reading along would have heard it before. That is that the east is air, south is fire,
west is water, and north is earth. For
many covens found throughout the Wica, this is certainly a part of their
practice. However, it is not
always. For you see, it is an addition to
the praxis. Yep, an addition borrowed and
added from elsewhere. There are today,
British Traditional Wicca (BTW) covens that do not include any elemental
associations with the cardinal directions into their coven practice at all.
As an aside note, this is
one of the reasons that declaring that one of the differences between our Craft
and other practices within Contemporary Paganism is the use of elemental
directions as opposed to the three realms is simply not true. Or not always. Sometimes it is both, or one of them, or neither,
or any other vast array of coven innovations.
You see, anytime a coven
hives it must innovate to the location and the individuals of the coven, thus
additions are made that fit the land and the Witches of that coven. Not that any coven truly stops innovating. Notice though that I specified additions,
there are a small handful of practices that in order for lineage to be
maintained must be present. For example,
we do not alter our initiation rite. It
is one of the “traditions” as a shared experience that unites us into a
Tradition and so it is left as one such hallmark.
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"Just one of my altars." |
So, when and if one begins
to seek membership among the Wica, the first thing to worry about is finding a
coven and if you discover they are your tribe, a family of choosing, then you have
found your Tradition.
Boidh Se,
“Lost in a thicket,
bare-foot upon a thorn path.”
*It is my personal preference to use the spelling "Wica" as often found with Traditionalists as opposed to "Wicca" with the double "C" that has been popularized. Both are correct in their own way.
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