My life just transformed itself. It was not unexpected
but it is major. As I have mentioned on occasion in this blog, I move every
three years or so. Well, my time in New Orleans came to an end at the beginning
of the month. I learned a lot while there, made many great friends, and my
Craft grew by leaps. I am glad for the transfer though as the long hours that
my previous position at work required was full of stress—tons.

There is much to do in the coming weeks. There is a new
Temple Room to establish, consecrate, and bless. There are altars to unpack, spirit
allies to welcome into their new homes, and a landscape to learn. The land here
is not the South Eastern forest I have known my entire life. The flora and
fauna are alien.
I went running yesterday and didn’t know the names of
almost all of the plants, no birds, and even saw a lizard that I can’t
identify. As a Witch, I have my work cut out for me. Also I need to meet the
genii loci of the area, ancestors, patrons, and much more. I need to learn of
the local indigenous peoples. I need to stir the landscape and fold it into the
vocabulary of my Arte. Finally, but hopefully not last, I need to find Her
Hidden Children. I know they are here and have already made electronic acquaintances,
but that isn’t the same as standing in the circle with them.
It is a whole lot to consider. I’ve decided to take a
middle road approach. I’ll make a list of what needs to be done but approach it
with whims and let spirit lead when to mark off an item. Mostly though, I sit
and once again have the blank potential of a new place before with which to
create my life for the next few years.
I can't forget, and hopefully this post reminds you, that the potential for transformation lay in each moment and that one does not need to move across the country to make change.
Boidh Se!
“Lost in a thicket, bare-foot upon a thorn path.”
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