The mind is like an onion or parfait in that it is
layered in its perception. Add on top of this a filter, our core mores,
hormones, and values, and you have a very complex looking glass by which the
Self knows anything, or thinks it knows anything. I did say it was not a
perfect model.
By recognizing the fallacy of the model allows us to
better combine the overarching truth with the model by which we are able to
indulge the logical part of our nature that likes to put everything into neat
little boxes. The first major fallacy is the idea that the various layers are
set point with clear divisions; they are not. The mind, and the Mental Plane,
are spectrums, so the whole onion thing just doesn’t work if we stick too
strictly to it. Secondly, the mind has more nuance and complexity than the
model allows for. The whole onion thing does, however, give us a mode of
talking about it and better grasping things so long as we are willing not to
become too rigid and set on it.
Each of the various layers are like different points upon
the spectrum of the mind. I am going to very briefly mention four of them. Because
they are what I have been thinking about. The rest of that was just me making
sure everyone was up to speed.

Next up from the bottom is speech. For those that don’t
know, it is part of the human condition, even when you can’t talk, to develop
methods of communication that become standard within a group. There are cases
of deaf children inventing their own sign languages without outside influence
that are just as sophisticated as others. Language development is instinctual. Speech
is the next level up because we are informed by language in a different manner
than that of instinct. Speech tells us different things depending upon which
language we speak in internally. For instance, native English speakers when referring to
a bed breaking when John was jumping on it is likely to say, “John broke the
bed when jumping on it.” Blame is automatically communicated and assumed
because of language specifics. Whereas other languages are more prone to phrase
the meaning as such, “John was jumping on the bed and it broke.” As you can see
the language we speak informs us about the world. It is like a vast symbolic
thought process inherent to culture, well it is, and this brings us to the next
The next level of the mind is culture. Do I really need
to get into how our cultural influences and inform us about the world? I think
not; I have more faith in my reader’s abilities.
The top tier is the archetypal level. No matter the
culture or language in which we were raised we all know what a mother is. The
nuance of that idea and the experience of it may change, sometimes drastically,
but it is a universal concept.

Boidh Se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-foot upon a thorned path."
There is the reptilian brain which has the fight or flight instinct, like whether you run towards or away from a mass shooting. There is the mammalian brain which cares for others and feels emotions. There is the higher cerebral brain for thinking and logic. Various forms of trance can bring out the primal archetypal functions of these brains especially if the other brains are over ridden. Sex is a good example of the mammalian and works best with the upper brain turned off. Much of the visualization used in "higher" magickes are purely cerebral. I think in an even higher spiritual plane all three brains can work in unison, but that is the big trick of the Great Work.
I completely agree with you there Lee. That is the big trick. Our Craft is the arte of making that happen.
I think you model works very well in line with my thoughts. As I said the mind is was more complex than any simple analogy could give credit to. In fact when I normally teach mental plane functions I do so with several models.
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