Saturday, November 29, 2008
Gate of the Castles
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Friday, October 31, 2008
the veil has grown thin. The mist between the worlds permeates the air.
Perhaps you will find yourself sitting beneath a fairy tree drifting
into sleep with dreams of times past, slipping through to the twilight
realms. With the moon shrouded and cloaked in clouds above will you
notice the stag of white? More importantly, will you give chase? Hunt
the deep woods and crooked trail across this land, your inner
spiritual landscape.
When you have found yourself led to a door before a hollowed hill will
you knock? Or continue not realizing the hunt has been won? With the
creek of rusty hinges enter the company of the pale folk, the inner
halls, and the hill of the Sidhe. Here is the isle of the fated past,
the underworld road.
Ride upon the waves of an inner sea as you voyage to lands unseen.
What encounters does your adventure bring? Through storm and turmoil
journey and remember the eye of the storm is the calmest, at least
until the trial has passed for now.
Perchance you may awake from the storm with a maiden beckoning from
ashore. With an approach she may back away into the tangled thicket
showing the way, one way that is. In a clearing you find a cauldron
stewing and bubbling with a brew. All your hopes, dreams, faults, and
actions past simmer here. It is time to stop and knee before the altar
of truth, gaze therein and see what elixir you have made. Thus you may
sip of the knowledge of truth.
Blessed Samhain!
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mabon II
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
By: ME
Briar- Rose Queen
Dark mistress
Cauldron of Birth
Tomb of death
Sign at the gate
Grind the mill
With a thorn and oath
Brand the Witch Blood
All go round
Mabon is fast approaching and with it comes to mind the time of the harvest. It should be noted though that it is the time of the Second Harvest, with first being at Lughnasadh and third at Samhain. The harvest begins at one, through the next, and ending at the last. If you sit and contemplate the food harvested at each point and compare it to the Witches’ Wheel and the Sabbats much will be revealed about the nature of the spiritual self.
Lughnasadh marks the point of harvesting grain for which to make bread (hence the name Loafmas, Loaf-mass, in some traditions), from there we move to things like grapes at Mabon, and finally to the apples harvest at Samhain (and the pig slaughter).
Lets focus on Mabon though. Think about grapes and the point on the Wheel. We have on one hand a food associated with the dead, elder hood, and the underworld along with it’s derivative of wine, and we have on the other hand the giving of thanks as well as the Sun Lords descent into the underworld. I’m not going to delve into what this could mean spiritually to us on our path around the circle but instead leave off here.
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sign Post
Wake from the Crossroads of the mind and still facing the
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Monday, August 25, 2008
(The following is an excerpt from my Path of the Garter materials... its not oath bound and I thought I would share.-SM)
Initiation is several things; it is the beginning upon the path into the beyond, it is the act of formally becoming apart of a group, and it is the inner process of understanding the mysteries.
As you read this you have started yourself upon a journey, one that will take you from the point where you are at now into the unknowable. This is a turning point, an initiation of sorts. Sometimes we make the choice for change and sometimes we find ourselves at the doorstep of a new beginning without ever seeking it. Initiation in this manner takes many forms, moving to a new place shifts our lives in a new direction, starting a new school or career, becoming a mother or father, all of these are examples of initiatory beginnings. You have taken the first step along the path.
“The longest journey begins with the first step.” - Traditional proverb
The third form of initiation is that of inner initiation. This is the process of understanding, of personal enlightenment of the mysteries. This is not an initiation that can be given; it can not be planned or timed. This is the “ah ha” moments of life. Sometimes they can be small or life shaking and altering, there can be many or just a few. Initiation into the mysteries is what is said to take place when we understand them on an inner instinctual level, it just happens.
Boidh se!-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Friday, August 22, 2008
Nature of a Witch
Too often I have heard talk of the Craft as if it were a hobby or a way to escape the norms of life.
Witchcraft is a way of life. Every breathe a Witch takes, even if it is at the mall or while paying the bills, is the breathe of a Witch. This may confuse some people who only think of Witchcraft as the practice of magick. Well, they are correct and woefully wrong at the same time. Witchcraft is more than magick; it is so much more. It should not be forgotten that every moment is shaded with the potential and that all it takes is intent. Once one has sipped from the well of fates then the past can not be undone. The moment a Witch is stirred is the same moment the weave has patterned them into itself.
The path of the Witch may lead them down many roads, some far from where they stand. But once Old Fate Herself has recognized her own then there is no removing the memory. All that she has ever been is now. Once a Witch made, a Witch remains.
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Monday, August 11, 2008
Don't get me wrong though. I place a great deal of weigh on training and tradition. Its just far too often that lineage is thrown around outside of the circles it matter in. Just as membership is not external to the group neither should be one's lineage.
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Witches' Sabbath
The Lord shows us the path and the Lady greets us with grail in hand. How do you chase the moon through our inner night? Ask the sun for he illuminates the path. When you have knelt at the altar of truth and learned the mystery of the Lady and offered yourself (the ego), as a sacrifce, as did the Lord, to yourself (for thou art God) then you transcend division from existance and become married to the weave of mandred. The Sabbath is here and now, it is the center, it is us.
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."
Boidh se!
-Spanish Moss
"Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path."